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Želite znati više o aktivnostima ACCOUNT-a? Preuzmite naš Newsletter! ACCOUNT Newsletter (januar, februar 2018.) ENG

The Foundation INFOHOUSE on behalf of ACCOUNT and Transparency International BiH has submitted to the BiH House of Representatives the consolidated amendments to the proposed changes of the BiH Law on Whistleblowers Protection. The amendments are directed toward eliminating the potential problems identified in the proposed Law. These amendments regulate inter alia the procedures for granting the status of protected whistleblowers, and define the realistic and clear deadline by which decision on whistleblowers’ status and elimination of damages caused to whistleblowers should be made. “It is not normal that around 29.000 civil servants have never witnessed and reported corruption in any of 69 BiH institutions, while all reports indicate that corruption in these institutions is present the most. On one hand, this is understandable. The existing Law does not provide full protection, and the BiH judiciary doesn’t even know what it means to prosecute a corruption case” – stated Dženana Alađuz, INFOHOUSE Director…